If you are looking to buy a Buddy Lee jump rope in Norway, specifically the Rope Master Jump Rope, you can order your jump rope here.
Rope Master – the most versatile jump rope
The Buddy Lee Rope Master is probably one of the most versatile jump ropes on the market. With a PVC cable – adjustable to your height and preferred jump rope length you have a cable suitable for any type of jump rope workout. The long handles, along with a fast spinning swivel connection, give you the perfect combination of speed work, flexibility and power to combine for a jump rope suitable for any type of training.
Official partner
Antar and Jumprope.no are official Buddy Lee partners and distributors. Read more on the Buddy Lee Jump Ropes official website.
Order your Buddy Lee Jump Rope online
Purchase your jump rope in the Jumprope.no shop (in Norwegian).
Price per jump rope
View the updated prices at Jumprope.no.
Shipping in Norway with full tracking provided by Helthjem.no.
Pickup in Oslo: no additional shipping cost.
Order fulfilment
- Once I receive the order, you will receive a confirmation email.
- Payment is made through secure online checkout.
- As soon as the order is shipped, you receive an email update, as well as a tracking email from Helthjem.no
- If you selected the pickup option, we schedule pickup in downtown Oslo.
In Norwegian
Rope Master Jump Rope in Oslo
I can provide the Rope Master jump rope, Buddy Lee’s personal favorite rope, directly for pick up in Oslo. If you need it shipped to another part of Norway or prefer to have it shipped even if you live in Oslo, I will ship it to you with helthjem.no at a low shipping cost.

Currently only a select few ropes are available for sale in Norway. The entire range is listed on Jumprope.no, but for direct purchase also refer to the US site.